No luck, manage untill quarter final, got some minor wiring issue.. anyway tq Kei Attack for the hamper .. .. Special thanks to my mechanic Wan Mig Autogarage , Selayang Keicar Syndicate & CompactMotorsports crew for the support .. not to forget Ayiesimon for sponsoring the fees .. and 3E Booster for sponsoring racing fuel & engine oil for our drag car #keicar4life #compactmotorsports #migautogarage #selayangkeicarsyndicate #660tfighter #3ebooster
Keicar4Life 660t Hall of FAME
Welcome #keicardragaddict #keicartrackjunkie

Monday, April 21, 2014
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Silverstate Drag Mania Kg Gajah. Cat Kcar RESULT
Event kali ni bertambah meriah dgn kehadiran 2 biji starlet dari Wak Joi Racing & Wak Sam Garage yg join cat <1.3t , maybe next geng2 YRV pon bleh turut serta. Congrat to organizer ..awesome event. To winner ..congrats guys..yg kalah cuba lagi next round.
Ps - Tq to informer Saiful Nizam & Gar Soksek
"Result UPDATE"
Result 660t
1st WEP Oemm
2nd Ann Garage
3rd Meran CAP
Result <1.3t
1st Wan Cepon
2nd Starlet Wak Sam Garage
3rd JDV Oemm
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